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How to Nail Your Next Interview – Communication is Key

G. Riley Mills
August 10, 2020

We’ve discussed in the detail the importance of creating your personal brand – the essence and power of individualism, and how being uniquely you can help you grow your career. However, there is power and significance in making sure that you can effectively communicate that brand, especially in something as important as your next interview.

We’ve all been there: palms are sweaty, mouth is dry, you continuously read and reread your resume as it shakes in your hands while you wait to enter the lion’s den that is the dreaded interview room. Whether you’re in line for the next big promotion, or finding your new dream job, we’ve all found ourselves in this fervid arena.

Fear no-more. We have some tips and tricks on how to make sure you nail your next interview.

Analyze: Start by analyzing your audience (the interviewer), understanding how you want them to feel as a result of interviewing you (impressed, excited) and then modify your delivery accordingly through crisp, concise answers and a confident physical and vocal presence. The more prepared you are, the more comfortable you will be, so you can relax and respond to your interviewer’s questions in the moment.

Manage: Manage the anxiety of your delivery – be prepared, find your friendly face, visualize success, and focus on the benefit of your responses and your comments.

Ask Questions: Most importantly – ask effective questions. Be sure that you organize your thoughts, keep questions topical, make questions specific, and be concise. Often times, you can map out questions you may have in advance, after conducting research, to ensure that the above are effectively met.

Remember, the Pinnacle way is to influence emotion to motivate action – and that action is landing your next job.